Wednesday, March 9, 2016

week 10

"Hey mom who are those men?"
"I don't know honey were just bushes."
"But mom his hand never moves isn't he tired?"
"I don't know honey ignore them!"
She sounded pretty annoyed so I shut my mouth. Being a bush will never be easy. Trust me I know. I've been staring at these guys for years now and they have' moved a muscle. But I can wait until then.

A few years later ...
Come on guys you can't stay still forever.
A few more years later ...

"Daddy who are those men?"
"I don't know dear were just bushes." I reply.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

week 9

 I was feeling a bit gassy that day anyway. Was that bean and pickle pizza pop the reason I'm here? It did say highly radioactive. Anyway now I'm the protecter of this city fartropolis. Filling the skies with the knock out gas from my bottom. Hold that thought it's my arch enemy Dr. Clean with his magical soap. I charge towards him my bottom locked and loaded. 3 2 1 fire! The knockout gas explodes through the city, I'm victorious! Although we have a slight problem. All the citizens are asleep as well.